How can you tell the difference between the north and south tower?

12 answers. The North Towers have Balconies on a slight angle with many having an ocean view. The South towers the building is more rectangular so there are not as many rooms that have a good view of the ocean.

In this way, how long did it take to clean up after 9 11?

After the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, the rescue and recovery clean-up of the 1.8 million tons of wreckage from the WTC site took 9 months. Passengers aboard United Flight 93, heard about the previous airplane attacks and attempted to retake control of the plane from hijackers.

Likewise, people ask, what was the difference between the Twin Towers? One World Trade Center (WTC 1) the “North Tower” was, at 1,368 ft (417 m), six feet taller than Two World Trade Center (WTC 2) the “South Tower”, which stood 1,362 ft (415 m) tall.

Just so, why did the South Tower collapse first?

Engineers suggested that the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed first, even though it was hit by the second plane, because the fireball caused by the crash was larger and because the plane hit the corner of the building, rather than the center, where there is more structural support.

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