What is the Disney look 2021?

The Disney Look is an inclusive set of guidelines that not only aligns with our brand, but empowers our cast members to more proudly be their authentic self. It is clean, polished and approachable, and is designed with our costumed and non-costumed cast members in mind.

In this way, can cast members have nose piercings?

Piercings are still not permitted unless they are on Cast Member’s ears, and a Cast Member cannot physically change their look to be distracting, such as “tongue piercing or splitting, tooth filing, earlobe expansion, and disfiguring skin implants”.

Also know, can cast members have tattoos? Visible tattoos are permitted, with the exception of placement on the face, head or neck. Tattoos must be no larger than the Cast Member’s hand when fully extended with the fingers held together.

Additionally, can Disney cast members wear jewelry?

Jewelry for costumed cast members: Jewelry is permitted provided it does not distract from the overall appearance and preserves the magical Guest experience. A visible wrist and/or ankle bracelet in good taste and condition may be worn with the costume.

Can Disney cast members wear makeup?

In the latest revision of the “Disney Look” which impacts all of Walt Disney World’s Cast Members, all references to gender have been removed, focussing on the Cast as one. All Cast Members now have the same options, which includes makeup, jewelry and nail polish.

Can Disney cast members wear sunglasses?

Only sunglasses that allow your eyes to be seen are permitted. Sunglasses may not be worn at night, in dark areas, or indoors. Sunglasses should be removed when Cast Members engage in extended interactions with a Guest and should not be visible when not in use.

Can Disney cast members wear watches?

We recommend wearing one if your role allows it. And, some Cast Members can wear Smart Watches to work! Guidelines for wearing at Smart Watch at work. NOTE: Again, only Cast Members in non-QSFB /Safety Critical roles may wear watches, Smart watches, and/or FitBits at work!

Can Disney employees wear eyeliner?

The style was conservative, but it has loosened over the decades, with female park workers allowed eye shadow and eyeliner in 1994. In 2010, females were permitted to wear sleeveless tops, Capri pants and slingback shoes that also have open toes. In 2012, beards were given the OK for male Disney employees.

Can Disney princesses have tattoos?

Visible tattoos are now allowed on Disney workers as long as they are not on the face, head or neck and no larger than a hand. They also can’t contain offensive language, symbols or nudity.

What are the new Disney Look guidelines?

New Guidelines For The Disney Look

  • Facial Hair: From now on, Disney will not limit the length of facial hair. …
  • Hairstyles and colors: Hair length is now at the Cast Member’s discretion. …
  • Nails: Nail polish is allowed, but all nails must be the same, solid color, or in a French manicure style.

What is considered Disney look?

The Disney Look is a classic look that is clean, natural, polished and professional, and avoids “cutting edge” trends or extreme styles. It is designed with our costumed and non-costumed Cast Members in mind.

What is the Disney look for cast members?

‘Disney Look’ updated to allow cast member tattoos, gender inclusive self-expression. Disney has announced changes are coming to the “Disney Look” that will allow cast members to find more flexibility in how they express themselves at work through their appearance, with an emphasis on gender inclusivity.

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