What if you roll a 1 in trouble?

If you roll a higher number, then you can’t move your piece, and your turn is over. Pegs in the Finish section of the gameboard are also safe from other players’ pegs, because other players can’t move into their opponents’ finish line.

In this way, can you jump your own pegs in trouble?

You must use the 6 to move a peg already in the playing track. You cannot land on your own pegs.

In this regard, can you skip a turn in trouble? Agreed. You cannot skip your turn. You can decide to move a token zero spaces (just flip them over where they are), as that counts as their move.

Likewise, do you have to roll a 6 to start trouble?

Trouble game rules state to move your pieces from Home to Start, you must roll a 6. If you do not roll a 6, and no pieces are in play (all pieces are still on your “Home”), then your turn is over.

Do you have to warp on Trouble?

How do you play frustration game?

Is trouble and sorry the same game?

Trouble has a similar objective to Sorry but is based solely on chance. The objective is for players (two to four at a time) to roll or ‘pop’ the dice and be the first to move all four of their colored pawns around the board.

What do the X’s mean on trouble game?

XX If you land on Double Trouble space by exact count, you take another turn!( But if you pop a 6 and land on Double Trouble, you take only one additional turn, not two.)

What does a 6 mean in Trouble?

On your first turn, you must pop a number 6 to move one of your pegs out of HOME and into START on the playing track. You pop only once. If you do not pop a 6 on your first turn you cannot move any of your pegs and must wait until your next turn to try again. 2. Once you pop a 6, move one of your pegs into START.

What does a red number one mean in trouble?

The red 1 means everyone else gets to take out 1 peg. You do nothing and your turn is over. If you land on the XX you go again, if you roll a 6, you go again.

What happens when you land on Double Trouble in Trouble?

If you land on a Double Trouble space by any number, you take one additional turn.

Why is the number 1 red in the game Trouble?

There is something special about rolling a 1 (thus it being in red) in this game. When a player rolls a 1, they do NOT get to move but the other players have the opportunity to move a piece from “home” into the “start” position.

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