How do I get popular times on Google API?

Google Place API doesn’t have any popular times data as part of its response. So, as long as they hold on the data, there is no possible way to get it, and eventually embed it. If they ever make it available, it will show up here: Google Places API Web Service . Make sure to check periodically that particular page.

Consequently, how accurate is Google busy times?

All of the Placemeter data used in this study has a proven accuracy of at least 80%.

Similarly one may ask, how can I see busy hours on Google? When you open the app, Google Maps highlights when an area is near its busiest. Tapping on the “Busy area” label will bring up a chart that shows how busy the area is at different times of day, along with a directory of restaurants, shops, and recreational places (like a museum) within it.

Subsequently, how do I find out if a place is crowded?

To see how busy a place is right now on the Google Maps website or the Google Maps app, search for a place near you, such as a store or a restaurant. Scroll down to the Popular Times graph. Look for the Live red box and a red bar at the current time, showing how busy a place is right now.

How does Google check popular times?

To determine popular times, wait times, and visit duration, Google uses aggregated and anonymized data from users who have opted in to Google Location History. … Live visit data: This data shows how active your location is right now. Live visit data is updated in real time and overlaid on the popular times graph.

How does Google Map know traffic?

To predict what traffic will look like in the near future, Google Maps analyzes historical traffic patterns for roads over time. The software then combines this database of historical traffic patterns with live traffic conditions, using machine learning to generate predictions based on both sets of data.

Is Google live popular times accurate?

Google then uses the survey data to improve live busyness accuracy. If very few people allow Google to access their location data in real-time, live Popular Times can sometimes be inaccurate. When a business is near other companies, live Popular Times can be even more inaccurate.

Is Google’s geocoding API free?

The API is available for developers that have a free Google Maps API key. Usage of the API is not strictly free, but they do offer $200 of free monthly usage for most users. The pricing scales to fit your particular needs and you are only charged for your API usage.

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